Cosmetic Dentistry

Crowns and veneers are a  great long-term solution if you have damaged teeth. After having complex or extensive dental work on a tooth such as a large filling or root canal treatment, a custom-made crown is of great benefit and can lengthen the lifespan of a tooth considerably.

Dental crowns are made by advanced dental technicians and act as a “cap” or helmet to protect the tooth from hard-biting forces. We are proud to say that we always have our dental crowns and veneers made in Australia by a local dental laboratory. Crowns can be fabricated with porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, gold, zirconia and others. The choice for what material to use can be confusing and the dentist will discuss this prior to treatment. With the aid of our intra-oral camera, shade matching is simplified and often patients don’t need to visit our laboratory for colour matching.

Crowns and veneers can be so well matched these days to your existing adjacent teeth that they can appear invisible. Veneers can be great for improving one’s self-esteem. The can improve one or several misaligned or crooked teeth. Modern-day porcelains offer a very high polish so that they won’t show stains from coffee or wine.